Quotes and Commentary

Read. Listen. Think. Respond

Will Ferrell and Moveon.org get spoofed by the Catholics!  It’s about time that the religious right used rational humor to attack, — this has worked so well for the left — SNL used it to destroy Sarah Palin….. maybe by playing their own game, Americans who disagree with the “Public-option/Single Payer” system will win this fight.  We can only hope!

October 13, 2009 Posted by | Health Care, Humor, Opinion | , , , , , | Comments Off on

Grandson of Ted Kennedy Hits Fundamental Problem With ObamaCare

Max Allen, grandson of Sen. Ted Kennedy reveals in 17 seconds the primary reason why ObamaCare will be detrimental to our current health-care system, and why it will ultimately bankrupt this country for generations to come.

It seems that someone forgot to inform the Kennedy’s that “health Insurance” never was intended to insure health; however it was designed as a financial planning tool to assist families in minimizing the risk of catastrophic financial loss due to illness and/or injury.  IT IS A PRIVILEGE, hence why employers regard it as a benefit of working, and even then many companies expect participants to cover some of their own risk by paying a portion of the premium.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights, ObamaCare is a systemic disaster.

August 31, 2009 Posted by | Health Care, Opinion | , | Comments Off on Grandson of Ted Kennedy Hits Fundamental Problem With ObamaCare

Obama Approval Rating in the Toilet

Last week’s polling numbers are in and the outcome was bleak for freshman President, Barak Obama.  While on average the polling data showed an approval rating of 60% (and only 33% disapproval) back on June 24 those same polls indicate that as of August 29 Obama’s rating has fallen to 51% approval with a growing base of 42% of likely voters disapproving his job performance.  The tide is starting to change.

I for one realized that the campaign rhetoric spewed by the Obama camp during the election was based more in theatrics than on planning and conscious deliberation, though 53% of fellow Americans were fooled into believing that the President’s plan to bring “hope” and “change” had been clearly defined and somehow without hearing the details conceded that they agreed with his policies.  Those folks were sadly mistaken, and some are asking themselves, “what have we done?” as they watch our country “change” dramatically and lie in wait with “hope” that the overconfident bullies that have control of the reins can be stopped before it’s too late.

In an article for RealClearPolitics.com, Troy Senik makes a good point that any idea that the tide was turning in Washington in strong favor of liberals and that “conservatism is dead” now has to be reevaluated and disregarded in light of plummeting polling data.  The President is losing ground, fast and his congressional counterparts up for re-election in 2010 should sit-up and take notice of how the people feel.  Shockingly, particularly due to the popularity of the President just a few short weeks ago, only 38.8% of likely voters think that the country is currently headed in the right direction.

Why is this happening, you ask?  My response, Americans are waking up and paying attention.  Todd J. Zywicki provides a more analytical response in an article for Forbes.com where he states “This is not only due to Obama’s unpopular health reform program (although that may explain some of it). It is also because of the process he has used to push his signature initiative–a process that reeks of arrogance, deception and bullying.”

The people are speaking and only time will tell if politicians are getting the message.  For the sake of this country, let’s hope they are!

Troy Senik served in the White House as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush.  He previously wrote for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  He can be reached at troysenik@gmail.com.

Todd J. Zywicki is a professor at George Mason University School of Law and a senior scholar at Mercatus Center.

August 31, 2009 Posted by | Opinion, Politicts | , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Wanna know where America is headed?

Like it or not folks, we’re are almost a socialist society; and worst still of many of our fellow countrymen and women fail to see that by accepting these nationalist policies being touted in Washington we are consciously traveling down a road that inevitably dead-ends with the Treasury empty, citizens carrying the heavy burden of increased tax bills and ultimately our precious democracy in ruins.

Our Founding Fathers organized this great republic back in 1776 with a Declaration of Independence from Brittan in order to provide a quality of life that is impossible under a tyrannous rule –a country where national and state sovereignty are critical and individual freedoms are up held judiciously, however here we are 233 years later ready to hand it all back.

Since Americans are rarely students of history, and we tend to ignore the ancient history of 233 years ago when we search for the answers of how to move forward; I ask that you look to Brittan under the socialist rule of the “European Union” only a decade into the process to gain a clear perspective of just where these nationalist polices are taking us.

Did you know that citizens of Brittan are born 20,000 £ in debt?  Have you seen our own national deficit?  What if the current administration continues spending at this rate over the next 8 years, what kind of debt will our unborn children be faced with?

Daniel Hannon, Member of European Parliament for South East England spoke earlier in August to the Heritage Foundation and gave an astounding speech outlining the pit-falls and landmines that Brittan has experienced over the past decade under nationalist agendas, specifically in relation to healthcare, bail-outs and stimulus.

EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!!!  Mr. Hannon comes in about 5 min in….Listen. Learn.

August 30, 2009 Posted by | Administration, Economics, Opinion, Politicts | , , , , | Comments Off on Wanna know where America is headed?

In need of steady ground

Wow, it is now day 58 of the Obama drama, and my head is pounding from all that ways he and his congressional cronies have politicized the economic crisis.   While it has been rather comical to see the Administration dance around being deficient in of confirmations for cabinet positions; the lack of the right hand knowing what the left hand is up to is more than unnerving, it is dangerous.  Our country is seriously at risk.

News has been breaking for about a week surrounding the President’s budget and specifically his plans for Universal Health Care, dubbed “ObamaCare”.  From what I have seen, we are in trouble here.  Obama has no solid ground that he is basing his budgetary numbers on. The Administration officials refuse to pinpoint ballpark costs of ObamaCare by stating, “it depends on details to be worked out with congress.” 

Sorry to tell you folks, but that is politician speak for “We have no idea.  It depends on how many hidden programs and earmarks can be added to legislation without you catching wind.”

Reports today from Fox News.com state that for ObamaCare to guarantee coverage for all Americans, heath experts estimate the cost to be $1.5 TRILLION over the next decade.  These funds are in addition to the current and climbing $2.4 TRILLION the US spends on health care each year.  Keep in mind; this is more than any other major country – including those who already have socialized medicine.

It is claimed that the President’s budget includes $634 billion as a down payment on this colossal socialization.   These funds are to be generated partly from spending cuts, and additionally from tax increases.  However, with a President and a Congress who increased spending by 8% over last year, and have doubled the national deficit in the first 60 days, how can we trust that spending cuts will ever come to fruition?  This is a spend, spend, spend group of politicians, and it seems that tax increases are the only way the funds needed could be generated.

This is just another socialist power-grab, people it’s time to WAKE UP!.  As a country, we are already suffering through a virtual collapse of our capitalist economy, and the financial structure is no more stable now than it was before the Obama Administration threw an additional $2 trillion at it back in Feb. 

I urge you citizens, get on the phone to your congressional leaders, and write a letter, have a tea-party, whatever it takes – We must stop this Administration from bankrupting our grandchildren.  This proposal is not a temporary plan – it is permanent reform.  It sends more of our tax dollars into the black-hole of government spending, with no plan for greater efficiency other than an electronic records program that is already in use in much of the nation, and will be abused by Heath and Human Services and reduce costs by limiting the exact prevention and early treatment services that the Administration touts that it is trying to implement. 

If you know someone on Medicare, or a Veteran that receives care at a VA facility, ask them what they think of the care they receive.  Then think about that kind of care for every American, it would be a crying shame to see the best hospitals in the country like Mayo Clinics, Johns Hopkins and Mercer end up like Walter Reed.

March 18, 2009 Posted by | Economics, Opinion, politics | , , , , , , | Comments Off on In need of steady ground