Quotes and Commentary

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Obama Approval Rating in the Toilet

Last week’s polling numbers are in and the outcome was bleak for freshman President, Barak Obama.  While on average the polling data showed an approval rating of 60% (and only 33% disapproval) back on June 24 those same polls indicate that as of August 29 Obama’s rating has fallen to 51% approval with a growing base of 42% of likely voters disapproving his job performance.  The tide is starting to change.

I for one realized that the campaign rhetoric spewed by the Obama camp during the election was based more in theatrics than on planning and conscious deliberation, though 53% of fellow Americans were fooled into believing that the President’s plan to bring “hope” and “change” had been clearly defined and somehow without hearing the details conceded that they agreed with his policies.  Those folks were sadly mistaken, and some are asking themselves, “what have we done?” as they watch our country “change” dramatically and lie in wait with “hope” that the overconfident bullies that have control of the reins can be stopped before it’s too late.

In an article for RealClearPolitics.com, Troy Senik makes a good point that any idea that the tide was turning in Washington in strong favor of liberals and that “conservatism is dead” now has to be reevaluated and disregarded in light of plummeting polling data.  The President is losing ground, fast and his congressional counterparts up for re-election in 2010 should sit-up and take notice of how the people feel.  Shockingly, particularly due to the popularity of the President just a few short weeks ago, only 38.8% of likely voters think that the country is currently headed in the right direction.

Why is this happening, you ask?  My response, Americans are waking up and paying attention.  Todd J. Zywicki provides a more analytical response in an article for Forbes.com where he states “This is not only due to Obama’s unpopular health reform program (although that may explain some of it). It is also because of the process he has used to push his signature initiative–a process that reeks of arrogance, deception and bullying.”

The people are speaking and only time will tell if politicians are getting the message.  For the sake of this country, let’s hope they are!

Troy Senik served in the White House as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush.  He previously wrote for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  He can be reached at troysenik@gmail.com.

Todd J. Zywicki is a professor at George Mason University School of Law and a senior scholar at Mercatus Center.

August 31, 2009 Posted by | Opinion, Politicts | , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Gay Marriage Debate Lies with Congress

In a calculated measure by gay rights groups the debate on the Federal recognition of same-sex marriages is facing Congress. 

In an AP article published today it was reported that the City Council of the District of Columbia has unanimously voted to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere in the country. Supporters of the action are optimistic that the measure will pass Congress, who has final authority of the city’s laws.  This issue will undergo a thirty day Congressional review and a final vote will be completed in May.

This is a slippery slope for lawmakers to wander down because the situation in DC is different than that of most states.  The District of Columbia is under the legislative control of Congress, due to its status as a city, rather than a state.  Congress will undoubtedly review the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act which negated any federal recognition of same-sex marriages, yet leaves the issue up to individual states to determine legitimacy in their jurisdictions.

 The concern is this, if following Congressional review and the member vote passes the legitimacy of the DC City Council right to recognize gay-marriage, will the measure be un-stoppable moving toward a federal recognition of these unions?

It seems orchastrated, that with all that is facing lawmakers in Washington, the city council of DC would place this gem on the table.  With not enough republican support to derail the Obama administration on issues such as stimulus and an out-of-control budget that it would make for easy passage of this measure through Congress. 

April 9, 2009 Posted by | Opinion | , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gay Marriage Debate Lies with Congress

MSNBC Obama Poll

Since few of us watch MSNBC, we need to get this sent around to our friends so MSNBC will know what people really think of him. Otherwise, they will report everyone is happy. VOTE and send it on to your friends. It will take 3 seconds to vote…..and look at the results after you vote.

MSNBC has a live poll to grade Obama’s performance as President, and we need to get some conservative voices showing up in the results! Here is the site:

PLEASE VOTE AND THEN PASS THIS ON!!! It only takes a minute . one click!


April 8, 2009 Posted by | Opinion, Politicts | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Tallahassee, FL Tax Day Tea Party

We are holding a tax day tea party on April 15 near the front steps of Florida’s Historic State Capitol at 5:00 P.M. This is part of a tax day tea party national movement. More than 300 tea parties are already planned around the country for April 15, including more than 25 in Florida.

Featured speakers in Tallahassee include:
* Preston Scott, host of “The Morning Show” on 100.7 WFLA FM
* Senator Mike Haridopolos (R-Melbourne, District 26)
Representative Ritch Workman (R-Melbourne)
* Matthew Falconer,
* Francisco Gonzalez, The James Madison Institute

Also, musical entertainment will be provided by:
H.J. Kuntry
* BenJammin Franklin
Conserv O Punk

Please come and join over 1,000 Tallahassee area residents as we join in the American tradition of a taxpayer tea party. Stimulus-free tea will be provided.

If you can, bring a sign, a love of freedom, and a friend!

April 8, 2009 Posted by | Economics, Politicts | , , , , , , | Comments Off on Tallahassee, FL Tax Day Tea Party

Sign the SAVE THE NATION Petition Today!

Dear Friend,

Will you take a moment now and join me in telling the White House there is a better way to restart the American economy with the FairTax?

As you know, this is a very dangerous time for America and each of us must do everything we can to change the course of the nation. Only the FairTax is big enough to solve our economic crisis without borrowing and spending the trillions in massive debt cripples our economy for generations to come…

That’s why I’m asking you to take a moment now to join me in telling the President we need the FairTax.

By adding your name, you’ll be help grow our citizen army for the FairTax, which is growing everyday for good reason. The FairTax is a real and permanent stimulus plan that America needs now more than ever. While our petition to the President makes this point very clear, it will only be heard if we have at least 100,000 names from grassroots citizens like you–who care deeply about their country and know that we can do better. FairTax supporters have already had a huge impact in the past few weeks alone. Indeed, we’ve placed full-page FairTax ads in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Tulsa World, and Investor’s Business Daily. Members of Congress even discussed the FairTax on the U.S. House floor during a one-hour “Special Order.” And speaking of Congress, we just picked up four more co-sponsors for H.R. 25, the FairTax bill, bringing our total to 51 this session. And we continue to add new names to our FairTax citizen army everyday thanks to the support of concerned Americans like you.

Will you help keep the momentum going: Please take moment now to read and sign our “Save the Nation” Petition for Tax Day 2009, just a few days away. Help us work to create a better nation for ourselves, our children and grandchildren during this critical time for our country.

April 8, 2009 Posted by | Economics | , , , , , | Comments Off on Sign the SAVE THE NATION Petition Today!

Showcase: FairTax

Americans, are you tired of money leaving your paycheck before it ever reached your bank account?  Are you a business owner who dreads quarterly tax time, or relinquishing all those dollars allocated for payroll taxes?  Do you find it asinine to have to wade through all of the tax code changes each and every time Congress tweaks the rules a bit?  Contact your congressman and ask that they support the FairTax.

The current tax code unfairly hampers personal and business financial opportunity and discourages hard work by penalizing the income of workers and it inhibits economic growth, capital formation and most importantly, job creation.  When taxes are automatically taken out of our paychecks we have no control or choice over when we pay, or how much we pay on taxes, making it grossly unfair to all wage-earning Americans. 

The current tax system allows for massive loopholes encouraging politicians and lobbyists to pick winners and losers.  These “tax holes” are manipulated by high-priced lobbyists for their clients, not to mention for other special interests.  The complexity of the current system opens the invitation to those with the means to manipulate the tax code, which is why there are more registered lobbyists in Washington for taxes than for any other issues.

The FairTax is fair to all Americans, in all tax brackets, and is simple to understand.  Under the FairTax, all wage-earners keep 100% of their paychecks and allow funding for Social Security and Medicare to be more secure.  Everyone is subject to the same consumption tax rate (23 cents for each dollar of retail spending) with no exceptions and no exclusions, with those least able to share in the cost of government carrying no federal tax burden at all.

Bringing the FairTax to a vote only requires 31 members of Congress!  If 11 members of the Senate Finance Committee and 20 members of the Ways and Means Committee support the FairTax, they can bring the FairTax bill out of their respective committees and onto the floor of both the house and the senate.  At that point, it is the leadership’s decision to go to a full vote by the entire membership.

Co-sponsorship for H.R.25 (the FairTax bill of 2009) currently has a sponsor, John Linder (Ga-R) and 51 co-sponsors from congressional districts all over the country.  To see the full listing of co-sponsors go to http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=news_cosponsor.  We are well on our way to gaining the support needed to have Congress vet the FairTax on the floor, however, we need your help!

Grassroots leadership for the FairTax has been instrumental in educating citizens and encouraging them to contact their representatives in congress by initiating the SAVE THE NATION petition and providing a user-friendly web form to assist in contacting the appropriate member for your area.  Go to https://secure2.convio.net/afft/site/Advocacy?id=121&pagename=homepage to tell Congress to support the FairTax today!

April 7, 2009 Posted by | Economics | , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Showcase: FairTax

Showcase: Campaign for Liberty

Campaign for Liberty is classified as a legislative advocacy organization under IRS code 501(c)(4) and therefore is not a typical non-profit group.  Donations to the CFL are not tax deductable because contributions are used to pursue policy change through political activity.  The primary mission for CFL is to promote and defend American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets and non-interventionist approach to foreign policy.

Members of CFL are committed to educating family, friends and strangers about the need for limited government.  Advocacy efforts are at work at local, state and federal levels to create constitutionally sound policy that is not corrosive to individual rights and freedoms.

Since June 2008, more than 100,000 Americans have joined the CFL because they know that the success of this movement will be done at the grassroots level, and are eager to be one of the 180,000 leaders that will be trained and equipped to fight the fight in their own backyards. 

Join me in supporting Campaign for Liberty, sign up today!

April 6, 2009 Posted by | Administration | , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Showcase: Campaign for Liberty

FairTax Gaining Steam

In an email sent to FairTax grassroots leadership today it was extremely clear from the tone and enthusiasm set by Ken Hoagland, National Communications Director that the effort is gaining ground and membership due to organized efforts of state leadership.

A sneak copy of the ad that will run in Monday’s issue of Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) was released, which will undoubtedly cause another jump in membership and awareness.  In addition, “Save the Nation” rallies will be held in Jacksonville, FL on April 11th and Columbia, SC on April 15th with Sean Hannity broadcasting live from the rally in Columbia.  Even before these efforts, the membership is currently growing by 300-600 new supporters each day.

The most exciting release was the launch of a national push for the FairTax; “Joe the Plumber” is representing the cause tonight on Real Time with Bill Maher and Sunday evening on Geraldo At Large.  Tune in and support “Joe “in getting the message out.

Click here to RSVP to the Jacksonville, FL Rally on April 11th

Click here to RSVP to the Jacksonville, FL Rally on April 15th

April 3, 2009 Posted by | Economics, Opinion | , , , , , | Comments Off on FairTax Gaining Steam

TSA Resorts to Idle Threats

Over the weekend, Steve Beirfeldt attempted to board a flight from St. Louis, MO to his hometown following at the first ever Campaign for Liberty Regional Conference which he helped to organize.  Upon his arrival at the security check point he was detained following a random search of his belongings that unearthed Campaign for Liberty materials, Ron Paul bumper stickers and approximately $4,700.00 cash.

Luckily for Mr. Beirfeldt, he possesses a smart phone which allowed him to record his encounter with the TSA officials unannounced.  During the 25 minute incident, TSA demanded that the passenger disclose why he was in possession of the cash repeatedly.  In response to the officials’ demands, he asked continually “Am I required by law to answer your questions”. 

The incident began at the security station and was moved to a private room for further discussion once TSA officials realized that they could not bully this passenger.  After a few minutes of receiving the same answer to the inquiry one of the TSA officials refers to the subject as “childish” for refusing to answer without clarification of his legal rights.

 Next, officials forcefully detain (arrest) the man with the comment “He refuses to answer any questions…We’ll have to take him down to the station and let the DEA and FBI talk to him.”  It never made it that far.  Apparently, in the end, a plain clothed gentleman who identified himself as FBI had a private word with one of the TSA officers and the passenger was released to board the flight, in possession of the cash.

Is this what our country is coming to; that the simple act of possessing cash is a detainable offence?

Watch the video and commentary at WFLA 100.7 FM Tallahassee

April 3, 2009 Posted by | Opinion | , , , | Comments Off on TSA Resorts to Idle Threats