Quotes and Commentary

Read. Listen. Think. Respond

Response: “Biden on capital: ‘Washington right now is broken’”

This morning I was sifting through the Drudge Report when I came across a gem of a story run on My Way yesterday entitled “Biden on capital: ‘Washington right now is broken’” and had to laugh out loud.  We are all used to ole’ Mr. Biden inserting his foot directly into his mouth, but I am certainly not accustomed to finding him saying something I actually agree with.  So after composing myself, I read on….

The story was released by AP, but reads like a hodgepodge of Biden quoatables that didn’t make the cut for other stories.  It opens with a comment about how broken Washington is, and how the “country will be in deep trouble unless it attacks…the deficit.”  Well, Duh!  Moving on….Next, a blurb restating Biden’s comment, “we understand why they are angry…we get it.”  Ok, really, you get it?  I’m not so sure.  Up until this point I am with him, I may not believe the second part, but I am still here.

To close the story, we turn to something Biden said on “The Early Show” about “dysfunctional” the intense partisanship in Washington.  The final message was about the Brown election in Massachusetts and that he believed it sent a message to “…get your act together, get something going.”  Hmmmm.  Here, you lose me Mr. Biden.

If I may, Mr. Biden, offer you some insight….

Yes, you are correct, Washington is broken.  However, “right now” has been for some time, since the introduction of career politicians to the system to be more specific.  Yes, the American people are angry, at you and your crony politician friends. We are angry at all of you, not just at the Republicans or just at the Democrats, but at every single last one of you.

You mentioned the deficit, yes, we agree, we are in deep trouble.  As one of the leaders of this country we look to you to chart the course out of this mess.  That is your job, but are you fulfilling that role.  From where I sit, no, you should be fired!  You are bankrupting this generation, and mortgaging the futures of our children to pay for out of control earmarks, stimulus and bailouts.  You and your friends in Washington need to take a lesson from each and every household in America who have had to make significant cuts across the board, who have had to completely change their lifestyles, and who have had to learn to survive on only on what they make instead of on credit.  Stop relying on the countries of this world to buy up US treasuries to fund programs we can’t afford.  Stop listening to the Unions, and turn your ear to main-stream America and we’ll show you how it’s done!

On a final note, Mr. Biden, stop the blame game.  Stop blaming Bush for the deficit.  Yes, part of it was his making, but you and the gang in Congress now have added your fair share.  Take some responsibility.  Stop blaming partisan politics for nothing getting accomplished in 2009 towards President Obama’s pet healthcare package.  The Republicans couldn’t have stopped you if they tried.  Your party has had the largest majority of Congress in history, and you couldn’t even agree with each other.  Take some responsibility.

Let the message be heard, Mr. Biden.  We the American people are wise to your games.  On the campaign trail, you and President Obama pledged to change the climate of politics in Washington; you didn’t, so now we will!  Beware of November, because in January you will see a lot of new faces on Capitol Hill.  Faces of people who were sent there to do the Peoples business!!!

February 17, 2010 Posted by | Opinion, politics | , , , , , , | Comments Off on Response: “Biden on capital: ‘Washington right now is broken’”

Have you ever wondered why the poor stay poor?

The American Welfare system did not exist in our great country until under the tutelage of FDR in 1935 a national welfare-aid system was established.  Since its onset, the welfare system has claimed countless lives and has created multi-generational families of dependence on the government to provide for them – why?

Do the poor of our country really want to remain poor?  I don’t think so.  The way the system is set-up, it is easier to stay below the poverty level because instead of encouraging recipients to find employment, it penalizes them when they do, thus making them all the more reliant on receiving those checks every month.

I took a quick trip to the Census bureau to find which cities have the highest percentage of people below the poverty level, and discovered the following:

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level

1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5. St.. Louis , MO 26.8%
7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 American Community Survey, August 2007

Now, are you wondering what do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit , MI hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo , NY
hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati , OH
…since 1984;

Cleveland , OH
…since 1989;

Miami , FL
has never had a Republican mayor;

St. Louis , MO
…since 1949;

El Paso , TX
has   never had a Republican mayor;

Milwaukee , WI
…since 1908;

Philadelphia , PA
…since 1952;

Newark , NJ
…since 1907.

It is common knowledge that the Democratic party has gathered support of those under the poverty level, in many cases, solely because of its support of social entitlement projects that continue to emulate the “Robin Hood” philosophy, however to quote Abraham Lincoln, “You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.”

February 16, 2010 Posted by | Opinion | , , , | Comments Off on Have you ever wondered why the poor stay poor?

Will Ferrell and Moveon.org get spoofed by the Catholics!  It’s about time that the religious right used rational humor to attack, — this has worked so well for the left — SNL used it to destroy Sarah Palin….. maybe by playing their own game, Americans who disagree with the “Public-option/Single Payer” system will win this fight.  We can only hope!

October 13, 2009 Posted by | Health Care, Humor, Opinion | , , , , , | Comments Off on

Attacking Sexuality

We all know that the Obama Administration has appointed Kevin Jennings as the “Safe Schools” czar, but none of us really know what his job entails (this is true for all the czars, right?).  This video clip was found on Breitbart.tv of a speech Mr. Jennings made at the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) in Iowa in 2000 – How strange is it that homosexual rights activists claim that being so is biological – not a choice – when Mr. Jennings so clearly believes that heterosexuals are “recruiting” children aggressively.  He even goes so far as to claim that this is done with Romeo and Juliet, what’s next, wanting to censor heterosexual literature and replace it with solely homosexual works?

As a heterosexual woman, I must roll my eyes at this and hope we can weather the storm of contradictions and double standards being pushed by this administration.  Mr. Jennings, I think that with all that is wrong, and unjust in our education system, the sexuality of our children is not the most important thing you should be focused on — how about you instead determine a way to keep weapons and drugs off campus, an infinitely better use of your time!

October 13, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Attacking Sexuality

Obama Approval Rating in the Toilet

Last week’s polling numbers are in and the outcome was bleak for freshman President, Barak Obama.  While on average the polling data showed an approval rating of 60% (and only 33% disapproval) back on June 24 those same polls indicate that as of August 29 Obama’s rating has fallen to 51% approval with a growing base of 42% of likely voters disapproving his job performance.  The tide is starting to change.

I for one realized that the campaign rhetoric spewed by the Obama camp during the election was based more in theatrics than on planning and conscious deliberation, though 53% of fellow Americans were fooled into believing that the President’s plan to bring “hope” and “change” had been clearly defined and somehow without hearing the details conceded that they agreed with his policies.  Those folks were sadly mistaken, and some are asking themselves, “what have we done?” as they watch our country “change” dramatically and lie in wait with “hope” that the overconfident bullies that have control of the reins can be stopped before it’s too late.

In an article for RealClearPolitics.com, Troy Senik makes a good point that any idea that the tide was turning in Washington in strong favor of liberals and that “conservatism is dead” now has to be reevaluated and disregarded in light of plummeting polling data.  The President is losing ground, fast and his congressional counterparts up for re-election in 2010 should sit-up and take notice of how the people feel.  Shockingly, particularly due to the popularity of the President just a few short weeks ago, only 38.8% of likely voters think that the country is currently headed in the right direction.

Why is this happening, you ask?  My response, Americans are waking up and paying attention.  Todd J. Zywicki provides a more analytical response in an article for Forbes.com where he states “This is not only due to Obama’s unpopular health reform program (although that may explain some of it). It is also because of the process he has used to push his signature initiative–a process that reeks of arrogance, deception and bullying.”

The people are speaking and only time will tell if politicians are getting the message.  For the sake of this country, let’s hope they are!

Troy Senik served in the White House as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush.  He previously wrote for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  He can be reached at troysenik@gmail.com.

Todd J. Zywicki is a professor at George Mason University School of Law and a senior scholar at Mercatus Center.

August 31, 2009 Posted by | Opinion, Politicts | , , , , , , | 1 Comment

National Debt Road Trip – Great Video Analogy

Ever wonder where we went wrong with national spending?  PoliticalMath provides us with visualization to help us decide…..

Are you willing to continue traveling 174 MPH down the road we’re traveling?


August 30, 2009 Posted by | Economics, Humor, Opinion | , , , | Comments Off on National Debt Road Trip – Great Video Analogy

Is Obama a President or a King?

One has to wonder.  He controls our Military, our auto manufacturers, and the banks….how much more power can one man take, what about a power grab of the internet?

In a report by Declan McCullagh for CNET news it is relayed that the “cyber security” bill that was proposed in the Senate in the Spring has had major attention from staff in the offices of Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)and that the “revised” legislation is still vague in scope, not to mention just downright scary.  The internet providers are confused, and citizens should be alarmed.

It seems to me that with strong opposition by conservatives in Washington and falling approval ratings the White House would cease and desist the current path and turn to more moderate, bi-partisan efforts to truly help this country recover from one of the largest down-trends our economy has ever faced.  However, instead, an informed Middle America is undermining their progress and therefore initiatives such as the “Fairness Doctrine” and this “Cyber-Security” bill are appearing to secure the President’s control over two of the major information sources used by independent and conservative talk-show hosts to educate the masses.  Is this some coincidence?  I think not!

August 30, 2009 Posted by | Opinion, Politicts | , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Is Obama a President or a King?

Wanna know where America is headed?

Like it or not folks, we’re are almost a socialist society; and worst still of many of our fellow countrymen and women fail to see that by accepting these nationalist policies being touted in Washington we are consciously traveling down a road that inevitably dead-ends with the Treasury empty, citizens carrying the heavy burden of increased tax bills and ultimately our precious democracy in ruins.

Our Founding Fathers organized this great republic back in 1776 with a Declaration of Independence from Brittan in order to provide a quality of life that is impossible under a tyrannous rule –a country where national and state sovereignty are critical and individual freedoms are up held judiciously, however here we are 233 years later ready to hand it all back.

Since Americans are rarely students of history, and we tend to ignore the ancient history of 233 years ago when we search for the answers of how to move forward; I ask that you look to Brittan under the socialist rule of the “European Union” only a decade into the process to gain a clear perspective of just where these nationalist polices are taking us.

Did you know that citizens of Brittan are born 20,000 £ in debt?  Have you seen our own national deficit?  What if the current administration continues spending at this rate over the next 8 years, what kind of debt will our unborn children be faced with?

Daniel Hannon, Member of European Parliament for South East England spoke earlier in August to the Heritage Foundation and gave an astounding speech outlining the pit-falls and landmines that Brittan has experienced over the past decade under nationalist agendas, specifically in relation to healthcare, bail-outs and stimulus.

EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!!!  Mr. Hannon comes in about 5 min in….Listen. Learn.

August 30, 2009 Posted by | Administration, Economics, Opinion, Politicts | , , , , | Comments Off on Wanna know where America is headed?