Quotes and Commentary

Read. Listen. Think. Respond

Response: “Biden on capital: ‘Washington right now is broken’”

This morning I was sifting through the Drudge Report when I came across a gem of a story run on My Way yesterday entitled “Biden on capital: ‘Washington right now is broken’” and had to laugh out loud.  We are all used to ole’ Mr. Biden inserting his foot directly into his mouth, but I am certainly not accustomed to finding him saying something I actually agree with.  So after composing myself, I read on….

The story was released by AP, but reads like a hodgepodge of Biden quoatables that didn’t make the cut for other stories.  It opens with a comment about how broken Washington is, and how the “country will be in deep trouble unless it attacks…the deficit.”  Well, Duh!  Moving on….Next, a blurb restating Biden’s comment, “we understand why they are angry…we get it.”  Ok, really, you get it?  I’m not so sure.  Up until this point I am with him, I may not believe the second part, but I am still here.

To close the story, we turn to something Biden said on “The Early Show” about “dysfunctional” the intense partisanship in Washington.  The final message was about the Brown election in Massachusetts and that he believed it sent a message to “…get your act together, get something going.”  Hmmmm.  Here, you lose me Mr. Biden.

If I may, Mr. Biden, offer you some insight….

Yes, you are correct, Washington is broken.  However, “right now” has been for some time, since the introduction of career politicians to the system to be more specific.  Yes, the American people are angry, at you and your crony politician friends. We are angry at all of you, not just at the Republicans or just at the Democrats, but at every single last one of you.

You mentioned the deficit, yes, we agree, we are in deep trouble.  As one of the leaders of this country we look to you to chart the course out of this mess.  That is your job, but are you fulfilling that role.  From where I sit, no, you should be fired!  You are bankrupting this generation, and mortgaging the futures of our children to pay for out of control earmarks, stimulus and bailouts.  You and your friends in Washington need to take a lesson from each and every household in America who have had to make significant cuts across the board, who have had to completely change their lifestyles, and who have had to learn to survive on only on what they make instead of on credit.  Stop relying on the countries of this world to buy up US treasuries to fund programs we can’t afford.  Stop listening to the Unions, and turn your ear to main-stream America and we’ll show you how it’s done!

On a final note, Mr. Biden, stop the blame game.  Stop blaming Bush for the deficit.  Yes, part of it was his making, but you and the gang in Congress now have added your fair share.  Take some responsibility.  Stop blaming partisan politics for nothing getting accomplished in 2009 towards President Obama’s pet healthcare package.  The Republicans couldn’t have stopped you if they tried.  Your party has had the largest majority of Congress in history, and you couldn’t even agree with each other.  Take some responsibility.

Let the message be heard, Mr. Biden.  We the American people are wise to your games.  On the campaign trail, you and President Obama pledged to change the climate of politics in Washington; you didn’t, so now we will!  Beware of November, because in January you will see a lot of new faces on Capitol Hill.  Faces of people who were sent there to do the Peoples business!!!

February 17, 2010 Posted by | Opinion, politics | , , , , , , | Comments Off on Response: “Biden on capital: ‘Washington right now is broken’”