Quotes and Commentary

Read. Listen. Think. Respond


I, Missy Briggs, founder of Quotes and Commentary am a true-blue middle american who loves to talk it up about topics that incite me, dish on politicians who do and say the darndest things, and laugh at the oddities of our society.  I have spent the past two years home-schooling my elementary aged son, and enlightening myself to the dangers of the direction this fare country of ours is headed. 

I refuse to accept the propaganda that is is spewed from the Media in an effort to keep the masses mindless.  I choose to educate myself instead.  I read.  I listen.  I think.  I respond.  Knowledge is the only power that we as individuals can share with one another.  Knowledge is the arsinal which citizens can use to take back this country, to demand that government work for the people.

I hope that you will join me on this journey to discuss issues that matter with like, and sometimes opposing minded people.  I expect to challenge some readers with my “libertarian” point-of-view, and likewise be challenged by those who oppose.  Join the discussion and let’s see where it takes us!
