Quotes and Commentary

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Will Ferrell and Moveon.org get spoofed by the Catholics!  It’s about time that the religious right used rational humor to attack, — this has worked so well for the left — SNL used it to destroy Sarah Palin….. maybe by playing their own game, Americans who disagree with the “Public-option/Single Payer” system will win this fight.  We can only hope!

October 13, 2009 Posted by | Health Care, Humor, Opinion | , , , , , | Comments Off on

Pregnant Women in Oklahoma Could be Granted “Right to Kill”

The Oklahoma Legislature has passed the Use of Force for the Protection of the Unborn Act.  The bill allows pregnant women to use deadly force if necessary to protect their unborn children.  Lawmakers crafted the legislation following a case involving a Michigan woman who killed her boyfriend after he struck her midsection while she was carrying quadruplets, she was convicted of manslaughter.

Americans for United Life petitioned lawmakers to provide this measure to allow victims of domestic violence to defend themselves and their unborn children.  Senator Glenn Coffee co-authored the bill stating “domestic violence has been acknowledged as a primary cause of stillbirths and miscarriages.”

From a distance, this appears to be a redundant legislation.  While I understand that an unborn child is a living being, while it is within the mother’s womb falls under the women’s self; therefore, allowing her to invoke self-defense measures, which include lethal force to defend her life.  Why with the pressing issues that is facing state lawmakers are they spending valuable time and resources to pass another “self-defense” law? 

April 4, 2009 Posted by | Opinion | , , , , , | Comments Off on Pregnant Women in Oklahoma Could be Granted “Right to Kill”

In need of steady ground

Wow, it is now day 58 of the Obama drama, and my head is pounding from all that ways he and his congressional cronies have politicized the economic crisis.   While it has been rather comical to see the Administration dance around being deficient in of confirmations for cabinet positions; the lack of the right hand knowing what the left hand is up to is more than unnerving, it is dangerous.  Our country is seriously at risk.

News has been breaking for about a week surrounding the President’s budget and specifically his plans for Universal Health Care, dubbed “ObamaCare”.  From what I have seen, we are in trouble here.  Obama has no solid ground that he is basing his budgetary numbers on. The Administration officials refuse to pinpoint ballpark costs of ObamaCare by stating, “it depends on details to be worked out with congress.” 

Sorry to tell you folks, but that is politician speak for “We have no idea.  It depends on how many hidden programs and earmarks can be added to legislation without you catching wind.”

Reports today from Fox News.com state that for ObamaCare to guarantee coverage for all Americans, heath experts estimate the cost to be $1.5 TRILLION over the next decade.  These funds are in addition to the current and climbing $2.4 TRILLION the US spends on health care each year.  Keep in mind; this is more than any other major country – including those who already have socialized medicine.

It is claimed that the President’s budget includes $634 billion as a down payment on this colossal socialization.   These funds are to be generated partly from spending cuts, and additionally from tax increases.  However, with a President and a Congress who increased spending by 8% over last year, and have doubled the national deficit in the first 60 days, how can we trust that spending cuts will ever come to fruition?  This is a spend, spend, spend group of politicians, and it seems that tax increases are the only way the funds needed could be generated.

This is just another socialist power-grab, people it’s time to WAKE UP!.  As a country, we are already suffering through a virtual collapse of our capitalist economy, and the financial structure is no more stable now than it was before the Obama Administration threw an additional $2 trillion at it back in Feb. 

I urge you citizens, get on the phone to your congressional leaders, and write a letter, have a tea-party, whatever it takes – We must stop this Administration from bankrupting our grandchildren.  This proposal is not a temporary plan – it is permanent reform.  It sends more of our tax dollars into the black-hole of government spending, with no plan for greater efficiency other than an electronic records program that is already in use in much of the nation, and will be abused by Heath and Human Services and reduce costs by limiting the exact prevention and early treatment services that the Administration touts that it is trying to implement. 

If you know someone on Medicare, or a Veteran that receives care at a VA facility, ask them what they think of the care they receive.  Then think about that kind of care for every American, it would be a crying shame to see the best hospitals in the country like Mayo Clinics, Johns Hopkins and Mercer end up like Walter Reed.

March 18, 2009 Posted by | Economics, Opinion, politics | , , , , , , | Comments Off on In need of steady ground

Can we still turn a blind eye?

Ok folks, for more than a decade there has been media attention surrounding the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa. And for most people I know these articles have generated an “oh, that’s too bad” or “that’s such a shame” reaction. However, according to an associated press article released today, the infection rate in our nations’s capital rivals that of western Africa. An equally as important fact has also been released, one which I hope people will finally stand-up and take notice to. This landmark study reveals that the infected population has morphed from being an epedimic primarily among homosexuals which is now effecting a more general population. Maybe now idiots will stop with the whole, “it’s only gays and drug users who get the sexual plauge” routine. Anyone who has unprotected sex puts themselves at risk.

Men, you need strap on the latex, and ladies, refuse them if they won’t. Stop putting yourselves at risk – you are not immune! EDUCATE YOURSELF. BE SAFE. GET TESTED. We can slow the spread of this tragic disease if we will all stop turning a blind eye.

Get the whole story @ Fox News

March 16, 2009 Posted by | Opinion | , , , , | 1 Comment