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Grandson of Ted Kennedy Hits Fundamental Problem With ObamaCare

Max Allen, grandson of Sen. Ted Kennedy reveals in 17 seconds the primary reason why ObamaCare will be detrimental to our current health-care system, and why it will ultimately bankrupt this country for generations to come.

It seems that someone forgot to inform the Kennedy’s that “health Insurance” never was intended to insure health; however it was designed as a financial planning tool to assist families in minimizing the risk of catastrophic financial loss due to illness and/or injury.  IT IS A PRIVILEGE, hence why employers regard it as a benefit of working, and even then many companies expect participants to cover some of their own risk by paying a portion of the premium.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights, ObamaCare is a systemic disaster.

August 31, 2009 - Posted by | Health Care, Opinion | ,

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