Quotes and Commentary

Read. Listen. Think. Respond

Investigative Reporters Needed

Are you a communication or journalism student in Tallahassee?  Need some work experience in a field that is decreasing its number of reporters?  Want to do some “down and dirty” investigative reporting about what goes on at our local colleges, in Tallahassee and the surrounding areas?  Let’s talk!!!

Quotes and Commentary© (QNC) is a forum that seeks to challenge and engage citizens in an open discussion about the issues and events of our time in history.    We believe that the best way to fight an oppressive government is with intelligence, unity and total resolution.  The “mainstream” media fails us, it’s time for us make a difference by digging up the truth and spread the word.

Contributors will have the freedom to propose ideas for stories; will have support for investigative research and the ability to promote their own name and skills while still in school.  We will work as a team to generate stories that are based on “truth” rather than “spin.

An organizational meeting will be held the first week in October to develop a core team, and we will meet once weekly throughout the semester to collaborate.

Are you ready to get started? Email quotesandcommentary@gmail.com to confirm your interest, please include a short introduction and your schedule so we may determine a time that accommodates as many of us as possible.

Join the team and let your voice be heard!

Read.  Listen.  Think.  Respond.

September 25, 2009 Posted by | Administration | , , | Comments Off on Investigative Reporters Needed